A week in photos

Days come and go, weeks come and go, and so on. No day is the same, ever. In the past weeks we've had many wonderful people coming along and staying, and many great experiences. The photos are from Thursday to Thursday and the top 4 are by Tau

Thank you all for being who you are.

The History of Carrot

There is no better conversation one could have at the dinner table than one about the very food one is eating, I think. Yesterday at Casa I had this confirmed, as we slowly drifted onto the problem of the colour of carrots. The legend says the Dutch "invented" the yellow carrot, some claimed it was white, some purple. So what are we laymen to believe?

Circular photo of the Zula

John was here the other day and took a bunch of photos for his project "My Room" for which he takes photos of youth in Europe in their own room. See also the movie below. He stayed for dinner, took a photo of all who were present for the Thursday Night Open Dinner and woke up too (?) late the next day :)

Lightfoot Photo Finally

Community Tools: Bringing Communities Together

Great introduction video made by people involved in what we here sometimes call the "Talinn House".

They are currently in progress of making a website with tools (based on Drupal7) to enable communities to come more together. I am sure you will hear more about this later!

More info at http://communitytools.info/about-us/

Post Scarcity Foundation - well first a blog

About three weeks ago I couldn't sleep well and I had this idea. It's time to set up a foundation to get us beyond scarcity. Naturally I started that wiki page on Sharewiki.

"Post scarcity or post-scarcity describes a hypothetical form of economy or society, often explored in science fiction, in which things such as goods, services and information are free, or practically free.” [Wikipedia].

The tubes that did snap - eventually

It's fully summer and we are enjoying many beautiful days, evenings and nights at the balcony. We take out pillows, set up tables and make it a real lounge. That's a really wonderful experience :)

One of the things we use to sit on is a chair that was made by using inner tubes from bikes-wheels. Last year in October Zsuzsanna made it, but 9 months later it snapped and the chair can't really be used anymore :/

So, if you're around, you can find instructions on how to fix it in last year's post. Enjoy!

Why toilet paper is sooo…… important for a nomad :)

14 ways why toiletpaper is handy for on the road (:

Clean ur ears
Create a tulband to cover ur head
Whipe off ur ass
Soak it in shit and throw it at politician’s
Stop small bleedings
Glue rolled up letters with blood to a board to make a hitchhiking sign
Use it as a pillow
Build urself a sunshield
Clean ur nose with it
Put it between ur clothes for extra warmth
Make a campfire
Tie it around ur feet and walk a short distance on it
Whipe off other annoying stuff
Mummify a murdered traveling companion

Repair Manifesto

Repair Manifesto

thought you'd like this :)