New Lightfoot Box!

Yay! Guess what kids? A new lightfoot box!

Mother Fools Coffee House
1101 Williamson Street
Madison, WI

And it's beautiful and in the perfect place! Mother Fools is a vegan coffee house that Charlie has been telling me about for years... and the owner John is a super sweety and REALLY excited about the idea. I'll post a photo soon!

Lots of letters are already being written and popped in! It's all happening! Yay Madison box!

Love to you all!


Scavenger Hunt Day: 27th of June.

27 Jun 2010 15:00
27 Jun 2010 22:00
Westerpark, meeting point to be defined

The 27th of June (yes, my real birthday deal), starting from 3pm, we will meet in Westerpark for a scavenger hunt and to play some games.

At 4pm the hunt will start and it is supposed to finish around 7pm, when we will have picnic together.

What to bring:
- a bike
- a camera
- energy
- playful attitude

The meeting point in westerpark has still to be decided but I'm planning to go location scouting tomorrow.

looking forward to see you there.
magic hugs

Looking for dumpster divers

For a documentary film project on foodwaste we are trying to contact
dumpster divers in The Netherlands (specially in Amsterdam and Leiden) who
could show us how dumpster diving in the Netherlands is. Are there any people in Casa Robino interested in taking us on a dumpster diving tour?

At the End of June we will be in the Netherlands and we are desperately looking for dumpster divers that we can meet then! (Between 30. June and 2. July) Please contact us! Here you can see who we are and what we do:

Coming Home

I just arrived on Monday evening at the Casa, around 9pm, having left London at 10 that morning. This is my third stint here, the last one being in February of 09. As i was coming through town from Centraal where i was dropped off, i had the strangest sensation of coming home. It surprised me at first, but i realized later that it shouldn't have, really - Casa was such a haven for me last year when i was in a very difficult and strange place personally.

Introducing: Colorado (chocolate factory dumpster diving, armed drug dealers, strange encounters and the unlikely)

The time: mid April, I’m hitching from Texas to Chicago to meet my Czech friend, Roman. We’ll be hitchhiking together through the Midwest to the west coast, San Francisco to be specific, where we’ll split.

A week later.
Morning, Roman and I are trying to get to Colorado. We’ve spent last night camping under a bridge, in a small town in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming. Now we’re trying to get the hell out of there.

Bicycle Benefits

Beauties! Check out this awesome site/program i just stumbled on -

They are set up all over North America, but still very grassroots - the idea is that you buy a sticker for 5dollars from a local business (who has bought them for 2.50), put it on your helmet, and anywhere you go that has the sticker on the door, you get free stuff and discounts. It's to encourage people to ride their bikes around towns/communities and to get benefits if they do.

Donations for the Casa

Hi. Is there anyone who would like to donate the internet (20 euro a month) for the coming 6 months or who would like to donate for anything else on a regular basis?? Please get in touch with me for more info. Help is appreciated, as things are starting to move into new directions here.

Dumpster Dived Valentina's 30 years Birthday Dinner: let's resurrect thursday night celebrations

24 Jun 2010 18:00
Casa, 24th of June, starting at 6pm

This is a self-referential event: Let's celebrate my birthday together by resurrecting the Thursday night dinner at Casa!

Well-known and wanna-be friends: you are all invited!

The dinner starts at 9 (or later), but it would be great if you would come to dumpster dive with us and to help cooking. Drinks are welcome :)

It is going to be a night of music (we have some instrument you can softly play), painting, and absurdly randomatic chats.

Cakes are assured by Heather ;)

Can't wait to see you here...

Beware of the hugs

Oh oh...

AMSTERDAM - A substance in the brains that creates mutual trust and cooperation between people, but alsogives it that aggressive behavior towards people from a rival group.

Living and dieing in Portugal/Spain.

I am writing this story because It's getting very repetitive telling it to people who are interested over and over again , so if you want to know about the trip , this is it. Enjoy!
I apologize in advance for spelling and grammar i tried to write this fast.

It began,