why not?

"Some see things as they are, and ask why?
I dream things that never were, and ask why not?"

— Robert F. Kennedy

Do we have the time to make the changes we know we need to make?

Time is precious. So part the curtains of time and plant the seeds of change in that timeless place where change has already happened.

— Starhawk


What Marcel thinks we think of him...

'Most people find me very aesthetically pleasing'

— Marcel

The razors edge

"The sharp edge of a razor is difficult to pass over; thus the wise say the path to Salvation is hard."

Davide's Father: Did you mature yet?
Davide:Is that all you can say?
Davide's Father: Did you read Pinocchio?
Davide: No but I read, Sinbad.

We're all made of stars

Under which stars were you born?

— Aisha's amazing alternative to the casa-banned question "where are you from"

meaty soul

-i ate some meat
hope that makes your soul feel good
-my soul doesn’t care

— vegan vs meat-eater


Caroline: Oh, I'm celibate.
Laura: Voluntarily...???

girls chatting in living room

Yeah, well, little do _they_ know that I'm living in this Microcosm of Oppression...

— Laura, talking about a j-o-b

Bitch-flavored pannenkoeken

"Petra makes terrible pannenkoeken. She puts too much bitch in them."

— Laura