
Shailoh Phillips's Page - Contemporary Theory, Poststructuralism & Governmentality

Researcher, writer, film maker, painter.<br />
Research interests<br />
shock effects, ethics of alterity, aporia<br />
Key theorists used<br />
Deleuze, Benjamin, Nietzsche, Derrida, Agamben, Sontag, Arendt, Badiou, Leibniz.<br />
Publications<br />
- Nietsche on Moral Vampirism (2007, Simulacrum Magazine)<br />
- Cyberkurds and Cyberkinetics (2007, Etnofoor Magazine)<br />
- The Passionate Spectacle (2005, University of Amsterdam)

See original: Shailoh Phillips's Page - Contemporary Theory, Poststructuralism & Governmentality

How Corporate Law Inhibits Social Responsibility

I realized that the many social ills created by corporations stem directly from corporate law. It dawned on me that the law, in its current form, actually inhibits executives and corporations from being socially responsible. So in June 2000 I quit my job and decided to devote the next phase of my life to making people aware of this problem. My goal is to build consensus to change the law so it encourages good corporate citizenship, rather than inhibiting it. // Section 716 dedicates the corporation to the pursuit of its own self-interest (and equates corporate self-interest with shareholder self-interest).

See original: How Corporate Law Inhibits Social Responsibility

[p2p-research] Fwd: Introducing a biocultural approach towards Traditional Knowledge Commons licensing

Unlike liberal conceptions of rights that emanate from a conceptualization of the individual as the fundamental agent of social activity, a biocultural approach to rights takes as its primary focus the community and the myriad relationships that bind it together.<br />
<br />
In a biocultural context, however, in which TK rather than private property is one of the primary agents mediating human relations, the biospiritual virtues that determine a TK user’s responsibilities to the community and the ecosystem provide the basis for a somewhat different rights perspective that focuses on communal ties as well as the individuals that share them.

See original: [p2p-research] Fwd: Introducing a biocultural approach towards Traditional Knowledge Commons licensing

INTERSEL.BE • Afficher le sujet - Certaines inquiétudes

depuis quelques temps les institutions essaient de s'approprier les projets SEL.

On remarque que les maisons médicales, les maisons de la laïcité, les CPAS, des associations subventionnées et des asbl essaient de porter des projets SEL.
Certains diront mais pourquoi pas puisqu'ils ont les moyens financiers et de communication pour promouvoir l'idée.
Le problème est qu'ils ne s'arrêtent pas à la seule promotion, ils veulent la gestion complète et le financement, donc l'autorité complète sur le projet.

La dérive dans ce cas est que ce type de SEL géré et financé par des instruments à caratère juridique ou subventionné restreint l'idée même du fonctionnement autonome des SEL.

Je veux dire par là que si les SEL sont d'abord gérés et financés par le haut, bientôt ils recevront des directives d'en haut et la démocratie même au sein des SEL disparaîtra.

See original: INTERSEL.BE • Afficher le sujet - Certaines inquiétudes

Holacracy - P2P Foundation

Holacracy = An organizational governance system developed by Brian Robertson, which is derived from Sociocracy, but introduces a number of new elements.

See original: Holacracy - P2P Foundation » Want to Buy a Bridge Cheap?

the long-term consequences are far more disturbing. As Wedel argues, deals like the one in Chicago go well beyond simple government contracting. Private interests are increasingly eating up not just public assets or functions, but also the public power that comes with those assets, power to make policy in a way that good government demands: with transparency, accountability and with the interest of the public front and center. With each lease signed, pieces of official government disappear, as does your right as a taxpaying citizen to control what should be part of the public sphere, now and well into the future. // In resisting a seemingly easy fix, they’ll preserve for future generations the power to chart their own course, and protect the public interest without the distorting incentives that come from private control.

See original: » Want to Buy a Bridge Cheap?