
P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » There is no alternative but the alternatives: replacing anti-capitalism by post-capitalism

Post-capitalism though is different. It is already profoundly convinced that the system of capital is dying, because it knows that an infinite growth machine is a logical and physical impossibility in a finite worth that is now seriously subject to biospheric destruction. But it also knows that empty radical stances are powerless. And it knows from the record of history, that whenever new hyperproductive alternatives of value production occured, as it now does with peer production, governance and property, they were at first used by the previously dominant but dying core system, before replacing it. So, we essentially do not worry that forces of capital use open, participative, and commons oriented modalities to strengthen themselves, because by doing so they actually strengthen the post-capitalist alternatives.

See original: P2P Foundation » Blog Archive » There is no alternative but the alternatives: replacing anti-capitalism by post-capitalism

Tools for Conviviality- Ivan Illich

"convivial" as a technical term to designate a modern society of responsibly limited tools. // Present institutional purposes, which hallow industrial productivity at the expense of convivial effectiveness, are a major factor in the amorphousness and meaninglessness that plague contemporary society. The increasing demand for products has come to define society's process. I will suggest how this present trend can be reversed and how modern science and technology can be used to endow human activity with unprecedented effectiveness. This reversal would permit the evolution of a life style and of a political system which give priority to the protection, the maximum use, and the enjoyment of the one resource that is almost equally distributed among all people: personal energy under personal control.

See original: Tools for Conviviality- Ivan Illich

TRANSITIONS: Le blog de Christian Arnsperger

Le capitalisme, donc, est une logique de planification non démocratique. Inadmissible!, diront les néolibéraux qui se sont accaparés le mot "libéralisme" comme s'ils pouvaient en faire leur marque de fabrique... Inadmissible, car le capitalisme c'est l'économie de marché, et l'économie de marché c'est un élément central de la démocratie! Voilà bien deux mensonges auxquels il faut tordre le cou.

Tout d'abord, il existe des économies de marché non capitalistes, qu'on peut aussi appeler "économies avec marchés" ...

See original: TRANSITIONS: Le blog de Christian Arnsperger

Pour un ministère de la transition économique - Démocratie? Ou Ploutocratie?

Ce qui manque aujourd’hui, ce n’est pas tant une volonté de changement profond du côté des citoyens, c’est un soutien politique réel aux initiatives radicales.<br />
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Obnubilés par les sirènes d’un «capitalisme vert» qui permettrait de poursuivre le (green) business as usual, nos décideurs s’arc-boutent sur les enjeux budgétaires de court terme, la relance des investissements privés, le plan Marshall «2 point vert» et les arcanes d’une «politique énergétique» bien difficile à saisir. Ce qui reste dormant sous la surface, étouffé par les urgences du moment, c’est le vaste chantier de la transition économique – notre transition économique vers le post-capitalisme.

See original: Pour un ministère de la transition économique - Démocratie? Ou Ploutocratie?