
Sorry for not hugging you all goodbye.

On the morning we left, you were all sleeping so angelically. And that is rare.
Sierra and I didn't want to disturb that, ESPecially because you were all so cute whilst living outside of your cherubic bodies, so we stood there quietly for a few minutes and watched you all. This may seem a little creepy, its probable that it is, but just know that you were loved before we went, and we didn't need to wake you up, cause we already knew that the feeling was mutual.

I left a piece of my heart in amsterdam.

Paxus gets caught

Pax was in the Washington Post -

Here he is again, hard at work :)

locked out

locked out

we are locked out if anyone is reading this :)

New Books for the house

Today I ordered four new books that will come in handy. I just wanted to order one, but it saves on shipping and CO2 to order more at once. So, that's why. Here's the list and some links.

* Nowtopia: How Pirate Programmers, Outlaw Bicyclists, and Vacant-lot Gardeners are Inventing the Future Today (link) (thanks Dante!)
* Toolbox for Sustainable City Living (link) (thanks Bonnie!)

Everyone out!

Everyone out!

Everyone out, all at the same time!

Distant Friends

Distant Friends

Dirka, Dirka, Mohammed, Jihad!

Dirka, Dirka, Mohammed, Jihad!

Sleeping Policeman

Sleeping Policeman

A Work of Art

A Work of Art

A work of art by Amilyn that is currently hanging in the casa living room.