
Bibi on the Road

Yo. That was fun. Baby's on the road. Coming for a visit. Great playing. Not even fighting. There were enough cars to play with :-)

Read the story and more bibi adverntures on the road at

Hello, I am new here!

Hello! My name is Novi Tatewari and wow! what an amazing adventure this is! The conception was great, but birth was even better, on the 10th of August at 2.55am - almost a week from now.

And I can tell you, this is so much fun! There is so many things to listen to and to feel - and wow, the milk is really as great as they told me.

Overall I am a pretty chilled boy. I love being awake some hours a day and to be cuddled or rocked. But of course I totally dig sleeping and dreaming. I also like to stretch and to use all of my muscles.