narnua's Quotes


narnua is very good at breaking things that don't break.

smarimc @ #casarobino


Ice cold, you can't get much cooler than that!


I'm gay, therefore I am

— Anu faking the Dennis Collective quoting

Points and gaps

Tomorrow realitygaps will run into matrixpoint, wonder what will happen. singularity?


are you pimping my server
are you pinging my server

— Anu to Marc who's configuring her brand-new webserver and what Dennis heard


I would have been down with Jesus, if his religion had more color co-ordination.

— Dennis Collective



Your focus is in your cave. But we were very happy to have you at the dumpster dive today.

— Paxus commenting on Anu's facebook status

Clean Iceland!

When I was a child, I started to learn how to cook, and I liked cooking. But I learned that I have to clean up after myself. I have to take out the trash. And as I grew up, I learned that I had to take out the trash and clean up every now and then, and when I have big parties, I must clean up more often.

— speaker @ open citizen's meeting, Reykjavik

If I work less, house is subsidized and I pay less taxes... and if you're not careful, Obama is going to do that to your country

If I work less, house is subsidized and I pay less taxes... and if you're not careful, Obama is going to do that to your country!

you're blonde, so that's okay

you're blonde, so that's okay