
halfway uphill

"Öğrenci misin? Yok mı? Çalışır mısın? Ne iş yapıyorsun?"

I think there must be a way out of this system. We've already figured out that if work isn't meant to be satisfying or fulfilling, it shouldn't occupy most of our waking lives. So instead, we work sporadic disposable jobs for two-week periods, saying "This was just a means of getting by for the meantime..." Then, what are we really working toward?

There is no way of living a false life correctly

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to my first post on casarobino.org! (anyone noticed I'm not used to blagging?)
When I left the casa in march, Robino invited me to post something, "people love to hear from you".
Now it took me so long that Robino even quit his new dayjob again in the meantime :)

Speaking of dayjobs, one reason for my late posting is that I'm doing a degree while working 20h per week which brings us back to the title.
Well, actually I think that there is no true life at all. Take that, Adorno!