789 - I wanna hitch with Frankenstein

Slogans are important sometimes. They give a face, something recognizable and catchy to create a nice connecting element. So when we were in Paris for the European Hitchhiking Day/ Week/ Whatever at "8/8/8/ Paris wants you for a nomadic date", thinking about the next slogan for 7/8/9., all we came up with was, "789 the road is mine". Obviously that slogan will never hold. Now, 3 months later we finally sat down for a full-on brainstorm. Here are the results:

# 789 - rewrite the plot line
# 789 - hold up your sign
# 789 - all roads intertwine
# 789 - the global transmission line
# 789 - fuck sleeping, we're fine
# 789- welcome to the hitchhikers storyline
# 789 - come to be mine
# 789 - electromagnetic delay line

You can find the whole list with more than 30 slogans on hitchwiki.org. Feel free to add your own. We might set up a beauty contest and we wouldn't want to miss yours :)


Paxus's picture

rhyme line

i am excited about working on slogans
789 a stitch in time
789 life is fine
789 we are the crime