
Integral City

See original: Integral City

“Homeless Shelter” by Paul Elkins by CubeMe

the “Homeless Shelter” by designer Paul Elkins is a mobile shelter intended to fulfill the housing needs of the fast growing homeless society. Featuring a simple, lightweight (225 pounds) and watertight structure, the portable shelter not only provides refuge to the homeless at night but it can also be used to display and vend products during the day, so the homeless people could earn their livelihood.

See original: “Homeless Shelter” by Paul Elkins by CubeMe

New Bike Share System by RAFAA (CH)

New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
The Zurich based architect and designer Rafael Schmidt submitted this new bike sharing system to a competition which was organised within last year’s International Climate Conference in Copenhagen. The system involves a comprehensive architectural intervention into the urban centre.
New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
“The Bike Share System must become more than just a transporting system. It deals not only with the problem of stocks and flows of people, but must add extra value to its user and to the city itself. We suggest that the Bike Share System becomes an integral part of the city. The bicycles should function as censors and inform the system about certain behaviours, so that the system can react according to the situation.To predict the performance of a system, the entities have to exchange information. An internet-based platform can analyse the different interests and could then manage possible conflicts. The bicycles are equipped with GPS und W-Lan, so they are connected to each order and can inform the system about their position and status. (Is a bike being used? Where is the bike and where is it moving to? Is there a reservation for the bike? etc.) Privacy protection is a matter that has to be taken into account in the process. To increase the number of commuters travelling by bicycle from 37% to 50% by 2015, approx. 25.000 bicycles have to be integrated into the urban fabric; these bikes will need at least 20.000 m2 of storage space. We see a high risk of overloading the squares, streets and stations of Copenhagen. Therefore, our focus is to reduce the „visual pollution“ wherever possible. At the same time, easy accessibility as well as the system’s visual presence has to be maintained (hide & show policy). The following proposal distinguishes between three different trajectory scales: S,M and L.”
New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
New Bike Share System in Copenhagen by RAFAA
more information about the project

See original: Anu's shared items in Google Reader New Bike Share System by RAFAA (CH)

Open Design Workshop Social Media Week

Op donderdag 3 februari en vrijdag 4 februari heeft in Berlijn in het kader van de Social Media Week (parallel aan de transmediale.10) de Open Design Workshop plaatsgevonden. Van Fablab was Bas van Abel aanwezig. Samen met Ronen Kadushin (Open Design), Jay Cousins (Upcycling), Philip Steffan (Bausteln), Arne Hendriks (Platform 21), Erik Nap (Waag Society), Martin Bauer (Lasern Lasern) en Michelle Thorne (Creative Commons) hebben zij zo’n 15 man begeleid in het toepassen van Open Design.

Delivered in Beta from KS12 on Vimeo.

De deelnemers kregen de opdracht om in twee dagen met behulp van verschillende technieken (o.a. Lasercutter, Makerbot, Arduino, Bioplastics) een ontwerp te maken voor een afsluitend diner met als thema “food interfaces”. Het eten als medium en toegang tot sociale interactie. Zo is er een” Twitter cook therapy”, een “strings attached table” en een drank doolhof ontworpen.

Geheel in de gedachte van open design zullen een aantal van de ontwerpen worden geplaatst op en, zodat iedereen zijn eigen exemplaar kan maken. Later meer…

See original: Anu's shared items in Google Reader Open Design Workshop Social Media Week