breaking things

Sometimes you have those days that things just brake. Sometimes that happens on this website when things just stop working. But this also happens in the house. When I woke up yesterday, the first thing that broke was my clothes-hanger in my room but later during the day more & more things got added to the list of things that broke.

For example, we got ourselves a new oven just two weeks ago, about which we are all very excited, and so we wanted to put the new oven up on a new shelve in the kitchen to create again more space. We went to the shop, got our material but when we tried to fix it, all we got was nine holes in the wall and insufficient support for the shelve to carry the oven. So it all just fell down.

And as this wasn't enough, later on in the evening, one of the coat racks in the junction (corridor) also fell down...

Those days when things just brake down are in fact good days. They remember you that not everything can be done in one go but that sometimes you just have to take it a bit easier and leave things be. Tomorrow is always another day to get things fixed and moving ahead.


dcarpano's picture

Sad days create happy

Sad days create happy days
just as
Breaking days create fixing days.
And what is better than a fixing day?

valentina's picture


did you try reinforcing the shelve for the oven with wires? Like what Davide has done for the shelve in the balcony?
If this does not work, I have got a maybe-too-big pile of shelves in metal from Ikea. If someone helps me in moving it, I can donate it to Casa. :)