throwing postcard to Aris

throwing postcard to Aris



Just another Thursday

Just another Thursday

Thursday dinners at the casa are just great. This dinner was a massive one, during the random roads week. We had great people coming over, and a very good time. Lots of things got done (although not necessarily the things we had planned in advance), there was a lot of enthusiasm and a great exchange of ideas and projects we all work on. And as usual, the dinner was made out of food we had taken out of the market dumpsters. This time we were with three teams, going to three different markets, bringing back home heaps of food that lasted for six days.



Migrobirdo logo

Paris, la bastille

Paris, la bastille

Aris in Quiberon

Aris in Quiberon

Aris in Quiberon

Aris in Quiberon

Aris in Quiberon



Crew of Migrobirdo, a group of young people, which is travelling from Germany to other countries, cultures and societies with a sailing-boat.

logo ideas

logo ideas

Here are some ideas for a Casa Robino logo I came up with the other day.

Postcards to the Casa

Postcards to the Casa

Received in the mailbox last week: this beautiful hand-made postcard from the snow in Jerusalem, made and send by Erga, who this morning moved to New York for at least the coming months. It now has a very honourable spot in the house. Keep them coming!