Know of an awesome web host?

Im back in brooklyn,

reunited with my laptop

been slaving away on a new website... and now I'm ready-ish to put it on the internet.

I've got a few "clients" who want me to make websites for them. I use the word client loosely.

can anyone reccomend an awesome web host?

oh yeah.

and I love you


Freeloader's picture


I run a hosting server at for nonprofit/politic stuffs. They pretty ok, nice people. But for about 50E for a dedicated (no vps) server, I don't expect a lot.

Got a list here with VPS hosters, no experiences yet though.

realitygaps's picture


depends what your looking for. Me and kasper are hosting at - anu at, both are great hosts and cheap but require you to set up the server yourself from scratch.

narnua's picture



I'm running Linode & Arch, so far so good (with Marc squatting on the server to install things every now and then ;). It wasn't such a bitch to set up, you basically select a distro through their web administration interface and then begins the fun part of installing all else you need with yaourt.

Decent response times, and customer service for what little I've so far needed it. Hmm, what else... just ask :P (or if you wish, I can create you a login so you can play around a bit)
