
Artificial scarcity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Artificial scarcity describes the scarcity of items even though the technology and production capacity exists to create an abundance.

See original: Artificial scarcity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


See original: Flattr

History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day

Monetary history in context from the dawn of civilization to the beginning of the twenty first century, based on the definitive book on the subject.

See original: History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day

COMMUNITY VOICE: Breaking Free of the Industrial Economic Paradigm - International Museum of Women

Our collective liberation awaits our collective literacy of economics and newfound perception of currency. This is all possible without violence or force, but through knowledge and the right understanding of the nature and function of economies. I feel that the best way to attain this knowledge is to engage women, citizens, activists, social entrepreneurs and humanitarians everywhere is to simply begin discussions on the topics that shape our financial world.

See original: COMMUNITY VOICE: Breaking Free of the Industrial Economic Paradigm - International Museum of Women

Depuis 2004, les inégalités se creusent au profit des plus hauts revenus -

Le nombre des riches a explosé en France de 2004 à 2007, et cette très forte augmentation est allée de pair avec une explosion de leurs revenus.

See original: Depuis 2004, les inégalités se creusent au profit des plus hauts revenus -


See original: Kickstarter