A lively new permanent giver in the house

14 Feb 2011 17:30
Where aren't you from?: 
my every inch of physicality is derived and build up from the earths riches: the soil, the plants, the water, etc. So my direct physique is not from anywhere beyond the present-day earth, I am the earth in physical reality.
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
Make up your own personal password: 
Here is Your Tea
How did you find out about the Casa?: 
CS connection and via a close friend
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
Being with other likeminded individuals and creators of their reality is something I have been dreaming for for a while now. Dreaming alone is one thing, but dreaming and creating together can really be the beginning of a new reality, as I once read, and hopefully it can touch and inspire the lives of others. Through connections and creation WE CAN. haha don't know where that just came from :) I am ready.
What would be your favourite activity in casa?: 
I've heard so much about the smell of your torture room!
I dive into bins to make my face look pretty
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
I don't hate freedom
What is your favourite question in life?: 
Are you a bike-breaker or bike-fixer?: 
Anything else?: 
Maybe I can play you some piano?


robino's picture

Hi! Nice request! Something

Hi! Nice request!

Something though is stopping me from saying yes right now. I am currently in my winter-sleep and just had someone staying over for a week. That was a good experience but I found out that I do need more rest.

If it would be just one coming, I might have considered taking one in for a couple of days, up to possibly a week if things go well and I feel I do not have to negotiate space. But since there are two, and even more since you are a couple, I do think this is too much for me.

Though, if you find something around and you want to come for a visit, to get to know me and the house, we can take it from there.

Contact me for the address and to discuss further.

Fayle's picture

That sounds great! That was

That sounds great! That was our original idea too, to stop by and get a feeling for each other.

Quite understandable to need breaks. We do have a nice spot unitl next Monday in Amsterdam and for the rest we are normally quite able to manifest places to visit or live, we are simply very strongly interested in the casa..

What would be a good time and moment to stop by?

Thank you for replying,
looking forward to meeting you and the house.

.'s picture

cool mate, will be looking

cool mate, will be looking forward to the meeting.



.'s picture

btw, we are a couple of

btw, we are a couple of people, but not a "couple" in that sense.

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