Laura+2 friends

30 Oct 2010 15:00
2 Nov 2010 15:00
Where aren't you from?: 
I'm living in Brussels till December and, of course, I'm not from there!! :)
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
Make up your own personal password: 
How did you find out about the Casa?: 
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
A couple of friends told me about the Casa (one of them lived there, Topi from Finland) and I'd like to visit it.
What would be your favourite activity in casa?: 
I gasp with pleasure while dish washing
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
I don't hate freedom
What is your favourite question in life?: 
Will I be able to see everything on earth? (and I hope not!!!)
Are you a bike-breaker or bike-fixer?: 
Anything else?: 
I'll come with two friends. We'd like to sleep there for three nights if possible.


topi's picture

Laura, if you are good at

Laura, if you are good at cooking, maybe the others at Casa would love to try out your South Italian dishes. Me included! :) (I'm back in Amsterdam, finally...)

As you know, life is pretty much about giving and taking. In those human proportions.

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