Beware of the hugs

Oh oh...

AMSTERDAM - A substance in the brains that creates mutual trust and cooperation between people, but alsogives it that aggressive behavior towards people from a rival group.


Wrenaqua's picture

won't keep me from my mission

won't keep me from my mission to hug as many ppl as possible and spreading positive energy through it :)

valentina's picture

Altruism as selfish behaviour

In social psychology based on evolution principle altruistic behaviors are explained as a strategy to promote your genes (your family members) or the genes of your species (groups that you identify with).

-groups needs to identify themselves and their members promoting
1- internal trust
2-external differentiation

This is usually the way nationalist sentiments works as much as strategies to describe "the other" as someone different from "us". Even without oxytocin in circle.

robino's picture

or also, Soldiers form loyal

or also, Soldiers form loyal "Bands of Brothers" fighting and dying for each other because they have the same instincts that cause mothers to ferociously protect their newborns, a study suggests.

This behavior combines altruism, whereby individuals act to benefit group members at a personal cost, with hostile behavior toward other groups (parochialism.) For example, a soldier who fights against the enemy, at risk to themselves, to protect their country, is a parochial altruist.