From Sustainable to Shared Hospitality

Two years ago we introduced the concept of "sustainable hospitality exchange", as an approach to understand hospitality and as a framework to see how we can be hospitatible 'sustainably': on a personal level (that we can remain hospitable), on a group level (host-guest relationships) and on a network level (the social networks behind hospitality exchange).

Shortly after we also started to use the term sustainable hospitality as a tagline for the casa-website. The other day though I was rethinking this and thought that we could better replace the term sustainable with the term shared when it comes down to casa. Casa as an example of "shared hospitality".

I thought that such a tagline would be more appropriate for us, would appeal more, create less confusion (as most people associate it merely with environmental issues) and so I just changed this on the website.

And why not? The house is shared; we all live here together temporarily and we are used to say that we are all hosts here. And also, we embody the praxis of sharing hospitality among each-other more, than it being 'sustainable'. I think the concept embraces more of our hospitality practice than any other concept and it even might open other ways of thinking and understanding what casa is about.


helicopter's picture

some other possibilities

Hospitality 2.0
Hospitality Evolved

I'm of course joking, except for the first one. : )