It's all about the mac

20 Apr 2010 10:11
28 Apr 2010 22:11
Where aren't you from?: 
Different parts, Europe
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
How did you find out about the Casa?: 
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
We are traveling around Europe giving workshops about using mac's and why everyone shoud switch. we've resisted doing this for years because some people will take this personally, like a discussion of religion or politics. Mac has always been the overwhelming choice of full-time, long term career people, and no, Windows if anything has fallen further behind as the years roll on. If you haven't used Mac lately, you're missing out. When people speak of computer problems like viruses, reloading operating systems, crashes, DLL errors, spy ware etc., they are referring to Windows-specific problems, not computer problems. Mac users hear about these things, but rarely if ever have to deal with them. I'm speaking from experience, not trying to incite hate mail. I'm sure a Windows Jihad member could send me some sort of virus, just that I don't get a dozen a day as I did on Windows. Viruses are the "59,940 reasons to reconsider Macs Anyway you will learn more from us when you host us! Thanks in advance
What would be your favourite activity in casa?: 
Toilet scrubbing is a hobby of mine
I gasp with pleasure while dish washing
I'm fascinated by the inside of vacuums
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
Mac OS X
What is your favourite question in life?: 
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?
Are you a bike-breaker or bike-fixer?: 
Anything else?: 
Just try a Mac and you'll feel this all for yourself exactly as I did when I upgraded in 2000. If you insist, the newest Apple computers run Windows, too! WHY I USE MAC Do More Faster I get more done in less time with no aggravation. My brain doesn't hurt after working on it for hours. It just works. No backtalk, no stupid popup boxes in meaningless technical gibberish, no viruses, no slow operation, no spy ware, no crashes, no complex installations, no reloading operating systems, no taking 5 minutes just to turn off, no nothing except getting stuff done. I do my entire website, read hundreds of emails, do all my Photoshop CS2 work and catalog hundreds of images every day, all on a two-year-old 12" Apple iBook, the lowest performance computer and cheapest laptop they make! This little 12" laptop is the computer I use all day, every day, for everything! I used to use a desktop (which will be for sale), but the laptop worked so well I never bothered to use the desktop. While I'm working away I pity my wife struggling with her large company's Windows machine and all its problems. Before I got my first Mac in 2000 I was afraid that Mac users might just be a bunch of nerds who sat around telling themselves how great their computers were. Just like with switching between Nikon and Canon, I feared Macs might have their own set of unique problems that the Mac whim ps chose to ignore. Nope, Macs really just work great without all the problems. Talk to we Mac users and we talk about what we've made, like this website, with our machines. We don't talk about the machines. Talk to Windows users and you'll just hear about their ratty hardware. Listen to any computer talk show and it's pitiful: all the callers have issues with Windows and can't even get their computers running. When Mac people talk shop it's about neat tricks discovered in Photoshop or whatever that lets us get even more work done. Making an automotive analogy, Windows users have enough trouble just getting their cars started, much less getting them out of the garage, while Mac users are out winning races. I beat on my little iBook 10 hours a day, every day. It turns on instantly as soon as I open the cover. There is no waiting a few seconds to wake up as Windows laptops. Windows users have a heck of a time just trying to keep their machines running long enough to check email and surf the internet. These are trivial on Mac and allow us the time to do photography, edit movies and make website's. Movies? Not just home video and prime-time network TV shows; did I mention many Hollywood theatrical releases are edited on Mac, too? Many people use Apple's Final Cut Pro, while more advanced folks use Avid or other nonlinear tools controlled by a Mac.


Jass's picture

I beat on my little iBook 10

I beat on my little iBook 10 hours a day, every day.


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