layika has a wish

1 Jan 2010 18:01
4 Jan 2010 07:01
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
i like the idea of the house.. i like amsterdam.. it's a perfect match.. i want to meet the people there in the house and have some great time..
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
Microsoft Windows
Anything else?: 
I would be greatly happy to spend some days in the house if there is any space for me?


robino's picture

Hi. How did you find us?

Hi. How did you find us?

Things are highly unsure for hosting around those dates, I do not think we are able to promise anyone anything for the holiday weeks yet...

layika's picture

hi! i had a contact with

i had a contact with Shaun Stubbings. i suppose you know him, because he told me that he lives in two houses right at the time, one of which is casarobino.
he suggested me to send a ´host request´ here on this website to ask if it´s possible for you to have me as a guest.

i will be in amsterdam during those days with another friend anyway. i just wanted to meet you people, and spend some days around...
I am waiting for hearing from you then, if anything comes up, just let me know.
take care, ciaovv...

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