bike notes

Repairing bikes is an ongoing thing here at the casa, we now have 12 bikes of which 7 are fully functional. Today we went to repair some and to bring some new structure again to the bike-system. We are now using the notebook that Charlie made for bike-notes and you can read in this book the latest state of the bikes. You can also find in the corridor a piece of paper with information about which bikes are working and which are not. The keys are on the notice-board. The only thing still missing are photos of the bikes so people also know which one is which.

Functional bikes as of now:
* Isolator
* Loco
* Victor
* Ms Brown
* Mama
* Gypsie
* (Laura)

While repairing the bikes, some people in the neighborhood stopped for a chat. One of them, Ruud, stopped over for a longer talk and told us about his bike-trip around South-East Asia where he cycled for a year and a half 22.000 km. After this nice chat he decided to give us one of his bikes :)

One of the things missing in Amsterdam, by the way, are social workspaces for people to repair bikes. There are lots of these in the United States for example. There are some in Amsterdam which are mostly connected to squats. Though we have many children in the area here who have bikes but don't even know how to repair those. It would be great if we could get some space here where we can open a one day a week bike-repair workshop. Unfortunately though we don't have the resources in terms of people to even do this each Saturday, but who knows we might be able to pull this off one day, even if we just do it out on the street.


atopia's picture

all we have to loose are our chains

FYI: in Germany, many universities have excellent bike repair workspaces often run by enthusiasts on a volunteer / donation basis.

valentina's picture

In Italy social work-spaces

In Italy social work-spaces to repair, build, exchange bikes are usually linked with what we call "social centers", and that you can translate as "squats" (even if they are slightly different I think). In particular, in Rome there are good squats networks (CSOA) and this one,

called EX-SNIA, is very active in promoting sustainable ways of transport. The movement is also tight up with Critical Mass and political activism.
Pity it's all in Italian but if someone wants to know more, I can help out with translations.