guaka's Activity Stream

Fri, 22/05/2009 - 17:41

  • Twitter guaka tweeted "work meeting in London - now getting things done on the sidewalk over some random wireless connection" 5:41pm #
  • Twitter guaka tweeted "super fast train ride - it's good to be at Felix's in London - even better after I fixed the wireless network" 7:49am #

Thu, 21/05/2009 - 13:14

  • Twitter guaka tweeted "A mind that moves too swiftly cannot pause to think." 1:14pm #

Tue, 19/05/2009 - 13:56

  • Twitter guaka tweeted "anyone experienced in Zend interested in helping moving forward?" 1:56pm #
  • Twitter guaka tweeted "I just acquired a new pair of shoes at Hemp Works -" 12:16pm #
  • Twitter guaka tweeted "add 333 FB friends to that... and 88 friends, 148 linkedin connections and 149 twitter followers. does it still mean anything?" 1:22am #
  • Twitter guaka tweeted "OMG, 399 CS friends" 1:17am #
  • Twitter guaka tweeted "Took a train from Antwerpen to Amsterdam, which turned out to be a lot slower than the average time it takes to hitchhike this distance ..." 11:33pm #

Mon, 18/05/2009 - 09:38

Sun, 17/05/2009 - 17:59

  • Twitter guaka tweeted "today I hitchhiked back and forth between the middle of nowhere and almost Brussels" 5:59pm #