globestoppeuse's Activity Stream

Thu, 07/07/2011 - 02:30

  • Twitter globestoppeuse tweeted "@OliviaWhispers You will always make new contacts on the road, some of which would wish to follow you on FB !" 2:30am #

Sat, 02/07/2011 - 17:54

  • Twitter globestoppeuse tweeted "RT @Nickmunk4: Just passed two backpackers that were hitchhiking! They were actually very cute! Lol" 5:54pm #
  • Twitter globestoppeuse tweeted "RT @melmstephens: Rapists really ruined hitchhiking for the rest of us." 5:54pm #
  • Twitter globestoppeuse tweeted "they do since the car was invented RT @zuribdiva: Just saw a chick hitchhiking, didn't know people still did that in 2011" 5:53pm #
  • Twitter globestoppeuse tweeted "RT @carmenlroberts: @501places I liked Hitchhiking the Hokkaido was what I read before my first trip to Japan :)" 5:50pm #

Fri, 01/07/2011 - 17:46

Wed, 29/06/2011 - 20:27