nnevvinn's Activity Stream

Wed, 01/12/2010 - 11:23

  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "In Berkeley. Made makeshift desk out of whiteboards. To-do list now written on desk... Zac, I think you're on to something." 11:23am #

Tue, 30/11/2010 - 23:32

Fri, 26/11/2010 - 00:17

  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "Listening to epic dance music in base. Studying algorithms in treble." 12:17am #

Tue, 23/11/2010 - 21:05

  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "Was looking for an upper-body workout that was actually fun. Realized climbing was staring me in the face. Square peg in square hole." 9:05pm #
  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "@henrikberggren Hit me up when you're here! SingInst peeps go to the coolest parties. Definitely people to meet if you are curious about AI." 9:03pm #

Thu, 18/11/2010 - 06:07

Wed, 17/11/2010 - 17:11

Tue, 16/11/2010 - 09:30

Tue, 09/11/2010 - 04:09

  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "@henrikberggren Sorry man, my friend from Kindle team said she doesn't know who's in control of the KDK-specific stuff. Good luck!" 4:09am #
  • Twitter nnevvinn tweeted "@app_engine Wow, that is an awesome gift! I'm very grateful!" 4:07am #