platschi's Activity Stream

Sat, 05/06/2010 - 13:04

Thu, 03/06/2010 - 11:06

Tue, 01/06/2010 - 16:37

  • Twitter platschi tweeted "RT @guaka: #flotilla "Israel and the Security Council: the fighters defended themselves lynching" NO WORD OF DEAD PEOPLE?! http://ping.f ..." 4:37pm #
  • Twitter platschi tweeted "RT @guaka: #flotilla "Israel and the Security Council: the fighters defended themselves lynching" NO WORD OF DEAD PEOPLE?! http://ping.f ..." 4:37pm #
  • Twitter platschi tweeted "La vidéo qui dément la propagande israélienne - | | Flotilla | #flotilla" 4:32pm #
  • Twitter platschi tweeted "La vidéo qui dément la propagande israélienne - | | Flotilla | #flotilla" 4:32pm #
  • Twitter platschi tweeted "RT @sitarane: I wonder what #Israel wanted so bad the activists not to see in #Gaza that it prefers killing civilians than letting them ..." 3:14pm #
  • Twitter platschi tweeted "RT @sitarane: I wonder what #Israel wanted so bad the activists not to see in #Gaza that it prefers killing civilians than letting them ..." 3:14pm #

Mon, 31/05/2010 - 08:10