shylo's Activity Stream

Sun, 19/07/2009 - 11:05

  • Twitter shylo tweeted "Michael Jackson Thriller flash mob in Amsterdam today! Learn the steps from 3-5, then hit the city in groups. Meet 15.00 in vondelpark" 11:05am #

Sat, 18/07/2009 - 22:36

  • Twitter shylo tweeted "RT Cacophonic typewriter doubles as piano: Wow." 10:36pm #
  • Twitter shylo tweeted "@bitchphd why don't you take it off?" 10:13pm #
  • Twitter shylo tweeted ""Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure"" 4:38pm #
  • Twitter shylo tweeted "Scheming with Matthea for a global activism 3.0 site for direct exchange of skills, info, action, resources, time. Anybody interested?" 12:24pm #

Mon, 13/07/2009 - 16:38

  • Twitter shylo tweeted "taking stance against the system of curators and galleries which separates the art world into those who choose and those whom are chosen" 4:38pm #
  • Twitter shylo tweeted "geeks shall inherit the universe: podcast about digital media's impact upon society" 3:16pm #
  • Twitter shylo tweeted "writing scenarios for the future of energy geopolitics for submarine game & tv episode of tegenlicht" 2:30pm #

Fri, 10/07/2009 - 21:12

  • Twitter shylo tweeted "rethinking Situationist Ethics: confused emergence of new desires whose material roots will be precisely the new reality" 9:12pm #

Mon, 06/07/2009 - 16:55

  • Twitter shylo tweeted "etymologie van het wicht: het Gotische "ni" (niet) + "wichts" (ding) > samengetrokken tot het Duitse "nichts" (niet-ding)" 4:55pm #