

It's time to leave. If you were wondering why I didn't take any exciting pictures during this month of travelling, is because I've been strongly advised to leave my camera home. And my cell phone, too, although I didn't do it. Everything you have with you can be used against you if you're arrested. Having certain numbers in your phone can cost dear to your friends, and to you, even if just your friends have numbers of people. Not people that have killed or beaten up someone. Just people who were involved in a group, in a movement. A group that even in a democratic regime apparently has no right to exist, or to gather its members in a public place and speak up their mind. People whose only crime is to refuse to sit down.I might be exaggerating a bit. Maybe I am. Or maybe it's those who since last Friday have arrested nearly 2000 people. I's stunning to see how the police think anarchists work. They think there is a leader of the anarchists. That if you arrest the spokesmen, the group is headless. Funny. Or tragic.I have no problem to say that I'm different. Going to the street and scream my rage, it's not me (although I was there, but silently marching). Joining the action to break in and take over the climate summit, that's not me either. Even supposing that might succeed, then what am I supposed to say to the people there? Please, dear prime ministers of the so-called developed countries, can you try to be a bit less capitalistic? Can you put aside your lobbies and corporate interests? And be, maybe just for one time, fair?I believe neither in democracy, nor in revolution. I have respect for those who do though. Democracy is a dream long dead. Those who say that anarchy is not realistic and as a proof try to demonstrate that there never was a real anarchist state (state?), should please name one republic or whatever that has really been or is truly democratic. And please, leave that ancient Greek bullshit - nice words sure, but as long as I know it was only in a few places, that would maybe count as a few thousand inhabitants, were women, foreigners and many slaves had no rights at all. Revoulution stinks of violence and guarantees no future. I want construction, not destruction. Anarchism for me means being free to construct something. In German it's called Bildung. I love this word: it contains the idea of educating (Ausbildung), of imagination (Einbildung), and of concrete realization, made of many, tiny bricks (bilden). I have reached the conclusion that those who really believe in democracy are more idealistic and unrealistic than those who, like me, rather believe in an inner revolution.The real problem is that some have arranged our lives in such a manner that the basic necessary requisites for this inner revolution to take place are missing since the very beginning. We are born, go to school, watch TV and maybe read a newspaper, go to work, and until we die we always listen to the same story, thinking we're really free to choose our own lives. We are only free to choose the life that someone has created for us, and that gets delivered through family, education, media. We are not forced, we are manipulated, which is different, because you can be forced to act in a certain way but you keep your own mind; if you're manipulated, you just act that way, thinking it's you who decides.Fascism is forcing others. I've seen it. I've seen it growing, on the streets. I've seen the police being given special powers, and taking over a whole advanced, 'democratic' country. Thousands of policemen constantly patrolling a relatively small city. Acting like wardens, the houses on the roadside the bars of your cell. Inside, you can mostly do what you want; but outside, there is always someone checking on you. And there are even more than you think. There are the noisy ones, going around playing with their sirens. They're not chasing someone, they're chasing everyone. They want to scare you and let you know who rules in this town. But there are also the silent ones, wearing kefiahs at the demonstrations and beating people up on the street and threatening them. Maybe I can also beat, handcuff and pepperspray someone on the street - people will think I'm an undercover policeman. Now they're used to seeing this.But there is also another fascism. Maybe that's not the right word for it, but I can't find another one. It's the violence of being manipulated since your arrival in this world. The violence of you telling your mum to buy you a toy you've seen on TV, to eat what you see on TV, learning useless or false things at school, of never having been taught how to improve the world around you, of you competing for better grades and that's it. Of getting a proper job, only to buy stuff you don't really need. Of having children that will do the same, if not worse. Of electing someone to govern you that doesn't care about you, or that acts according to the system. And all this, while the only one that bears the responsibility of what you do or think is but you. I am much more afraid and disgusted by this kind of violence, than by any other kind. Because while it's being perpetrated on me, I don't even realize it.I'm not saying that who doesn't realize it is stupid or even unlucky. Not at all. That's just the way it is. That's also what the human nature is about. You can read this, and go on with your life. I don't care. Eventually, happiness is nothing but a perception of happiness. In other words, an illusion is no illusion for who receives it, but only for who observes it. I have my own ones. All I ask is not being forced to live someone else's illusion, be it everybody else's.

See original: Lost in the North Illusions

Waiting for the summit

Today I read an article on the Times online about the so-called Climate Gate. It is about the scepticism of some scientists regarding global warming and related issues, and how there is barely any available data on the exact impact of human activities on raised temperatures. This all came up as a scandal, giving way to the question: "so they have been lying to us, saying that the earth was not unnaturally warming up!?". I think this is no surprise that things evolve like this, once the issue of global warming has become private properties of the mass media. I'm not talking about corporations controlling media, although they have a fair share in the scenario of global manipulation. I am talking about an issue that ceased long ago to be of scientific relevance, and was turned into a political problem. That is also why politicians are now managing it, when it should be rather scientists doing it, and also telling the public the hows and the whys.The next step was to involve economists and demographers. The first started quantify how much Co2 we were emitting and how much we should be emitting, the latter started blaming countries like India and China because of their big populations: it was now their fault, because many pollute much, especially if they are so medieval that they don't know how to work with renewable energies. Everybody suddenly forgot that China (not Denmark) is now the world's biggest manufacturer of wind power station, that millions of Chinese (not Danes) cycle to work every day, and that in general the average Chinese or Indian has a simpler and cheaper life than the average European or American, eats less meat and drives less cars, travels less by plane, and so on. Many Chinese families have a human manure converter in the garden that provides them with methane for cooking and heating water. And they are the only country in the world that is strongly doing something for keeping population growth under control. China pollutes quite much only because it is a big country with a lot of people that happen to abide within common borders. Any Westerner pollutes per capita much more, and if the situation in China and India is changing, that's only because of Western influence and a wrong idea of progress that the West has promoted for centuries.The problem is not Co2 or global warming. Personally, I believe it's irrelevant and in away, the discourse is serving multinational corporations too. Suddenly, big business becomes "green", and we sell and buy Co2 emissions quotas as if they were banknotes from a board game. The planet may or may not be heating up because of human activity. That is irrelevant, and it may not be the case. The Inuit settled Greenland after the end of the so-called Medieval Warm Period, because there was ice again on the sea and their hunting territory expanded considerably. As they came, one day they could be forced to leave or to modify their sustenance means in order to survive. Before the Inuit several other peoples settled Greenland, Scandinavians included. All of them failed to survive, but not immediately; they stayed there for hundreds of years. The Inuit came as late as the 16th century, just a few hundreds years ago. They could be facing the same problems soon.But this is not going to happen, and that is exactly the point. Their lives are already changed by contacts with the West. because they are no longer fishing for their own needs only, one day they could end up without any more fish in the sea, just like in the Mediterranean. Back in Europe, there is only jelly fish in the sea (70% of the fish eaten in Italy is imported from the Indian Ocean), the earth is so much exploited, that it is no more fertile. Under natural conditions, the soil increases its fertility naturally, year after year; because of monocultures, the land does not yield anything if it's not artificially fertilized, and the natural predators of the plant infesters have long become extinct because of the pesticides. In developed countries, we are eating so much meat that we destroy rainforests to grow soy for feeding to animals. And it's not something new, we started centuries ago with our forests back home. Biodiversity is seriously at risk in many parts of the world. But this is no news.Our planet is fucked up, and even without global warming. What we've done to it is the result of millennia of our civilization, the civilization of exploitation. It's not only about modernity, it's about us. Monocultures are not new. The pilgrim fathers in America saw the Indians planting corn with beans on the same field, and then go hunting and come back to harvest after several months without ever working the land or having to let it fallow; then, they started growing fields where only corn was growing. But the problem became serious only after the we have become so many. And after we opened the first supermarkets, of course. Still today, they are fucking our minds telling us that it's bad to drive your car. Driving a car is not *bad*, it's stupid, if you can take a train and avoid leaving 4 seats unoccupied. What is really bad, is what they don't tell us: that eating beef is far worse than driving your car, that our seas are empty, that nothing grows on this earth any longer without chemicals. Burning stuff for power is not too bad; it is bad when you burn it to power your Bill-Gates-owned computer that is on 24/7 on Facebook.We don't need any "carbon-footprint-theory" and carbon trading to understand this. What is "this"? That our civilization is the problem.

See original: Lost in the North Waiting for the summit

Letter: The cruel destiny of refugees in Iceland

This is a copy-&-paste of a letter that I posted to the website of Casa Robino in Amsterdam.Dear friends. I hope some of you there remember me and my vegan summer pizza. But anyway this is not about me or pizzas, it's serious stuff and please open up your ears.My time in Iceland has come to an end, and not in the best way possible. The only organic coop-café Iceland has ever had closed about 3 weeks ago, due to the current crisis and a criminal landlord. My group of co-workers and friends also got involved in some activism concerning refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland. You should know that although Iceland has a really tiny number of asylum seekers compared to other European countries, nearly all applications in the past 20 years have been rejected. But there is more underneath this fact: asylum seekers, who mostly got stranded in Iceland after having been rejected by Canada, are put in a sort of hostel in Keflavík, close to the international airport and in the middle of nowhere. They are given something like 10€ a week, and food and shelter. It doesn't sound so bad, compared to the filthy prison-like building where they are secluded in countries like Italy, Greece and Spain; but in fact, they are in a prison, and they are only in theory free to move, since with the money they are given they cannot even buy a return ticket to Reykjavík, where they could get someone to talk about their case. Many speak no English and cannot do anything to help themselves. They just sit in there, waiting for the police to deport them to the first Schengen country they arrived to after fleeing from their own countries. In many cases they can wait for years before their case gets processed by the Directorate of Immigration, during which time they are neither allowed to work nor go to school. Nobody knows the criteria according to which the Directorate decides to deport someone.This is the story of Nour, a 19-years old rapper from Baghdad. He got deported to Iceland 14 months ago, and spent most of this time in the "hostel". He and his family fled from Iraq about 3 years ago, and he wandered about in Syria, Turkey and Greece, before trying to get to Canada. His father was killed by some terrorist group, because he was collaborating with the US administration. Finally, thanks to some activists, he managed to spend some time in Reykjavík and get the media talk about him, about the fact that he could have been deported back to Greece any time, without notice. Slowly, I managed to get him a job at the organic café, and eventually he got a temporary permit to work and live in Iceland, lasting 6 months. After the café closed, he was already going to start a new job, and maybe one day he could have taken a language course and finish high school. In spite of all this, a couple of weeks ago the Directorate decided not to grant him refugee status, and that's a decision that no lawyer or humanitarian organization can change. 4 days ago the police broke into his home and told him "time to go". They tricked him by saying that he could pick up his stuff and his last paycheck from the café later, and that he had to go with them first. He could make no phone call and after a few hours was put on a plane to Germany and then to Athens. He spent the night on the floor in a prison cell, and the following day he was set "free", i.e. put on the street, from where he could be pulled off any time and deported to Iraq, where he has no family anymore and he would risk his life. He has no money with him and no hope for the future. The chance that he can get any humanitarian support in Greece are really few, given the high number of asylum seekers and migrants there. The decision of the Icelandic government to deport these people esp. to Greece has been criticized by my group of activists because of the evident basic human rights violations that have occurred in that country recently. The situation is very similar in other places where usually asylum seekers get deported, like Italy and Spain. And I specify that I'm talking about a government that defines itself "leftist", "progressist" and "green", and that put a woman as a ministry of Justice, who goes around giving speeches about human rights and stuff, but then from her office sends people off to die.It is extremely important that, if you know anyone who is in Athens right now and could care for this issue, you tell him about Nour and try to help him. He needs a place to stay, I think he can manage with food, but first of all he needs to regain love for life and hope. This is his e-mail address: smdel_992006 [at] yahoo [dot] comHere you can read more about this issue:

See original: Lost in the North Letter: The cruel destiny of refugees in Iceland