Requesting to revisit the Casa Oct 21-24th

21 Oct 2010 20:10
24 Oct 2010 20:10
Where aren't you from?: 
The Dark Side. And Mongolia.
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
Make up your own personal password: 
How did you find out about the Casa?: 
I met Marc in Tel Aviv in 2008.
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
I stayed here in August 2009 through Marc and had an amazing experience. Dumpster diving, cooking stew, cookies, and the house and visitors were there to support me during something of a personal travel-crisis... though I'm planning on a smooth trip this time :)
What would be your favourite activity in casa?: 
I gasp with pleasure while dish washing
I'm fascinated by the inside of vacuums
I dive into bins to make my face look pretty
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
I don't hate freedom
What is your favourite question in life?: 
How am I not myself?
Are you a bike-breaker or bike-fixer?: 