To be apart of this wonderful thing

7 Sep 2010
Where aren't you from?: 
Will you bring dead animals into the house?: 
Make up your own personal password: 
How did you find out about the Casa?: 
Couchsurfing friend
Why do you want to stay in the Casa?: 
I want to share my knowledge, learn from others and have a good time doing it. I am traveling to amsteramn and want to keep living with people that share my values.
What would be your favourite activity in casa?: 
Toilet scrubbing is a hobby of mine
I gasp with pleasure while dish washing
I'm fascinated by the inside of vacuums
I've heard so much about the smell of your torture room!
I dive into bins to make my face look pretty
Replacing cat pee with vinegar increases my zen awareness
I would like to go swimming in your lake balcony and drink its contents till it's all gone.
Cleaning out rotten food is quite orgasmic.
Do you use Windows, Mac OS or you like freedom?: 
I don't hate freedom
What is your favourite question in life?: 
Do you want to eat more?
Are you a bike-breaker or bike-fixer?: 
Anything else?: 
This place seems to be the perfect example of urban sustainabilty. Caring for the earth, Caring fr people and the fair sharing of resources. It would inspire me so much to be apart of such a great thing. Its also nice to be in place that wont persecute me or being a vegan.