Bread making

For all of you who kept asking how I make bread with the pasta madre.needed:Pasta Madre (living yeast) about one cupFlower(you can use combinations of different sorts of flower. But always use at least half normal flower.)WaterSuger/sirup/honeySaltOil1)The night before. triple the pasta madre: Put the paste in a bowl and add two or three cups of flower and water. Stirr untill it is thick mud. Leave it the night on roomtemperature. Cover bowl with wet towel, to prevent drying out. 2)Next morningSeperate 1 cup of pasta madre and put it back in de refrigerator for next session.Add a spoon of sugar/honey or sirup to the paste, 2 cups of handwarm water and 2 cups of flower. It doesnt have to be properly stirred. It may be more liquid than mud but make sure that there is not a layer water on top of the flower. (in that case the yeast won't start working so nicely)cover bowl with towel.3)After 45 minutesAdd flower cup by cup and stirr it gently with a wood/plastic spoon trough the dow. The dow should stay one mass. Don't break it in pieces. This way it will get elastic. Add flower untill it is thick mud again. It's still pretty wet but clearly one mass now. Now stick the spoon in the dow, and scoop air into the dow. Slide the bowl around and scoop air 100 times. It is an airy wet, sticky mass now (yum :))cover bowl with towel4)After 1 hourAdd two to three tblspoons of oil and 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt on top of the dow. Now you are gonna fold this into the dow with the spoon. Try again to keep the dow in one piece.After this, add seeds and flower cup by cup. Fold in into the dow.Keep goingThe dow will get heavier now and might seem dry from the outside but keep working it with the spoon as long as it comes out wet again.Finally it will be dry enough to take the dow into your hand as a big ball. (put flower on your hands and on the table)Now add the remaining flower by working the dow on the table. Push with both hands and fold it. Turn it a quarter clockwise after every push.When the dow doesnt get sticky anymore, you are done. fold it one more time from all side to make it a kind off ball.Put some oil in the bowl. Take the dow and dip the smooth side of the dow in the oil. Then turn it over, so that the dow has an oily layer on it. This prevents drying out.Cover bowl with towel5) After 1 hourThe dow has risen a lot now. Push it with your fist 25 times back down. (It will not get as small as before, but you push out some of the air)6) After 1 more hour (if you are short in time, you can skip this last hour)Take the dow out on the table and push it. Work it with one hand, fold with the other. Turn it clockwise and roll it tightly in the shape of a cilinder (as a spring that you wind, you wind it tight, and it will jump open in the oven)Place the cilinder in a baking shape and leave it for 15 minutes.Preheat the oven on 180degr. CelciusBefore you put the dow in the oven, cut with a sharp knife some slide deep in the dow so that it can rise. You will find out after a couple of times where the cuts work out best.6) Bake the bread for 1 hour at 180 degrees7) Take it out and leave it cooling down for at least two hours before packing it in paper or plastic.bon appetito!!

See original: Mawa Hata Bread making