Show/conference about debates and freedom of speech (free event)

20 Sep 2009 13:00
20 Sep 2009 19:00
Regardz Meeting Center Planetarium, Amsterdam

"Any Other Business, a Scripted Conference" is an event that is part of "My Name Is Spinoza".

Why does political debate often seems to fail? Do we rather act on our convictions than express them verbally? Does freedom of speech equal freedom?

Date: September 20th 2009, 1 to 7 pm (registration from 12:30 pm)
It is possible to visit a selection of items on the program, but attending the full conference is highly recommended! Snacks, coffee, tea and drinks will be for sale at the venue.
Entrance is free, reservations can be made for free (recommended) via De Balie: 020-5535100 or [email protected] (the event does not take place in De Balie)
Adress: Regardz Meeting Center Planetarium
Kromwijkdreef 11, Amsterdam Zuid-Oost , 020 - 651 85 85
Information: English spoken. During the conference video recordings will be made.

The full programm for the event is on the website

(quotation from