“Swine Flu Hemagglutinin”: amino acid sequence as ambient music

Stephan Zielinski wrote a program to translate a swine flu gene into music.

The algorithm I used is a bit complicated, but just in case you’re curious: since the gene is expressed as a surface protein antibodies can sense, it’s considered as a string of amino acids. Each beat corresponds to one amino acid, and the piece is in 3/4 time, so each six measures would correspond to five turns around the alpha structure. (I’m weaseling because I haven’t the foggiest idea how the protein actually gets folded.) Amino acids with side chains that are neither aromatic not aliphatic control the piano and organ: the nine non-hydrophobics the piano, and the four hydrophobics the organ. The three amino acids with aliphatic side chains control the low synthesizer, while the four with aromatics control the percussion.

It's got a good beat, and you can convulse to it!

See original: Anu's shared items in Google Reader “Swine Flu Hemagglutinin”: amino acid sequence as ambient music