π years casa - it must be love

π years casa - it must be love

Cheesy goodness :)

Cheesy goodness :)

We are completely self sufficient in cheese - just by asking for the 'throw away's' at the market at closing time :)

Teddy Christ

Teddy Christ

Baby Teddy



Kitten and Dog

Kitten and Dog

: )
They play making noises like weird creatures crawling and jumping around....Kitten finally found a smallsize friend and this black and white dog...its stealing everybodys heart......

Martina on sunset

Martina on sunset

ppl of casa on the outside world

ppl of casa on the outside world

for me it was

Firt night on casa

Firt night on casa


"La veyeza"

"La veyeza"

llo yuevo
tu lluebes
el llueve
nosotros shuvemos
ellos llueven
yo amanesco
tu anoiteces
ellos floresen
nosotros germinamos
La veyeza
la veyeza
la vieja veya vida
se desvanece y reaparece...
Ay Rain
Yu rein
Ji reins
Wi rein
dei rein
I Sunrise
you sunset
they bloom
we germinate
Veauty stills....
Veauty dissapears
the veautiful old life
vanishes and re a pears....