have fun this week!

Enjoy the week here! AM off to Barcelona for a week, to enjoy the sun, see some good friends back and to walk on the beach, to photograph the people, etc. It has been a year and a half now since I had been there!

Anca on discovery

Anca on discovery

L'attaque des MacSaber Paranos

On the road again...

I am heading to Casa Robino as I type this, using a mobile satellite-based internet connection from inside a camion, on the auto-route A 39 NORD, direction NANCY.

More to come (video) about this trip (hitchhiking from Porto to Amsterdam) soon.


apache -> nginx

I moved the server to nginx. I also added a decent expires header and more gzip encoding. casarobino.org (and trashwiki) should now be a lot faster. There might be some glitches here and there. Just let me know.

New Shower Curtain

I just changed the transparent shower curtain with a blue one. I think it's nicer but you might think otherwise. We're storing the transparent one, so it can always be changed back.


Nice dinner, good people, random phone-calls and great inspiration for future projects. Even Erga was present, although from very far away, and I finally managed to clean the desk.

Guaka playing guitar, and even a Scarum mix music, sharing stories on dumpster diving, a Crew Change Guide and our first hitchhiking experiences. I love these evenings. Wet girls, jumping Kasper in a pink mini-skirt, or.. how to make a smoking-pipe out of an apple?

Mas Rapido, soon

To make more efficient use of my server I'm moving away from Apache. Because of some minor detail the images that had been uploaded are not working right now.

We're still on Apache now, but the tests I've been doing seem promising, which much better response times.

When you are all whatever, it will all click together

You shouldn't think too much about how hard something might be, you should just go on the road and find your way. Just believe it can be done and you will see it will happen.

I met Reese in Paris during the 888 hitchhiking event, and a week later he visited Amsterdam. When he called I picked him up from a spot where he was dropped by his driver, while hitchhiking from the Dutch Lowlands-festival. The funny thing is that Reese is a no-budget traveler. When he came he was broke. Well, almost, as he was just given 20 euros by his driver.

While other visitors were sitting in the room, we did an interview with Reese for the Random Roads Magazine. There is still some editing to be done there, but the result is quite nice I must say.

offline mode

The house has been disconnected from the internet for 24 hours now. Some payment issues, let's see how long it takes. The goal is to have it back online before 1730 today. Updates will follow.