What do you think of the new casarobino.org theme?

The new theme is great, definitely keep it!
48% (11 votes)
The new theme sucks, go back to the old theme now!
13% (3 votes)
The new theme sucks, the old theme sucks, find a good theme!
17% (4 votes)
I am against the idea of themes and demand a new solution!
22% (5 votes)
Total votes: 23


narnua's picture


I miss a few things from the old theme
* dates on posts, both on the frontpage view and individual nodes views

* number of views per node on the frontpage view (only available for admins?)
(should be easy enough to put up, so maybe I will, some day..)

* The picture block on top needs some casa-made visuals, so what are the requirements (width, height, patternwise?)

* I'm not so sure about the gray on white approach (but this is probably easy to experiment with on css, some light tone other than gray?)

Otherwise, nice and clean theme and reorganization of some of the right-hand side blocks to bottom really makes a difference.

skybluestar's picture

friendly themes are better

I liked the old theme better because it felt warmer and more welcoming. This new one feels cold and corporate. The old one somehow felt more user friendly as well.

Also, and this was a problem with the old theme, or maybe it's just a problem with the site, is that I often find it hard to figure out how post a comment where I want it to be.