office dumpster diving

Today we found out that offices actually are good for one thing: dumpster diving. The stock exchange markets have been crashing lately so Jaap invited us over to his ofice to take whatever we want. What we got: one flat screen, 5 packs of A4 paper, 4 big glasses, 2 very long networkcables, 1 switch, tea (cinnamon), 2 powerbars, several extension cables, 4 beers, handsoap and... onions. Monday we can come back, possibly. Thanks Jaap!


dcarpano's picture



robino's picture

yes onions


half a kilo :)

we also took some original dutch stroop/ sirop for on pancakes. we had this for breakfast today :)

Jaap's picture

thank YOU!

(apu voice) please dumpster again!

sunday I will enter the office to see what's left of it and decide if its worthwhile to try again :) good pickings at the stock exchange for now.