
strangers enter

thanks to everyone who visited the casa within the past few days, especially all of the people that we weren't expecting! we had many new dinner guests tonight, outside of our regulars, and that was great!

i started an "open doorbell policy", that means if you ring the doorbell and i'm home, i'll let you in and give you tea. i think this is a good way to have strangers interrupt my paintings and give me new ideas. also, it's a way of having the city come to the casa, and building a network of warm places to thaw out from the cold.

Xrandom Dumpstered Xmass Dinner

Random mazes, collective dinner preparation, never ending cooking sessions, one big fest, no ending, no start, always going on. How many words do you think we exchanged? New connections and mutual ideas. Group photos, people arriving from Korea, Brussels, Portugal, Barcelona, Twin Oaks, Tartu, Madrid, Amsterdam East, South and North, further west and from around the corner, as well as friends always arriving at the right time. You know what would be really funny? If the internet would just stop.

Hello Everyone

Hello Everyone!

So after many months of exchanging emails with Robin I am finally going to be able to make it to the casa. I am arriving on the 23rd of xmas and will be staying for about a week.

So who is going to be there?

I am trying to think of some sort of gift(food, wine etc) to bring.

Any suggestions?

typical casa dinner scene

typical casa dinner scene

i won't be here for this week's thursday night dinner, but i hear anu will be making something traditionally finnish. anyway, here's an image of a typical dinner at our place. (hummus, greens, noodles, tomato-avocado salad, etc.)

All i want to know is what came from the dumpster - or friendly merchants giving it away. Paxus

thursday night is dinner night

Every Thursday night is an open dinner. This Thursday I (amylin) will cook. Come around 8PM (20.00). If you'd like to bring something, bring a drink, or some fruit, or whatever (vegan please).



How many casa robinettes does it take to change a lightbulb?

Preparing for Dinner

Preparing for Dinner

Preparing dinner in Casa Robino

CS Homedinner on sunday in Oost - Curry night

Hi folks,

why ?

why ?

Why is none of you registering for the Curry night on sunday that will take place from 6.00 p.m ?

Just woooooondering.... !


The Nat