Note to all Casa People

This is a heads-up that there's a very important post about finances on that's visible only to logged-in users with the right flags. So if you're reading this on an RSS reader, you should go to and log in. If you still don't see the post and are interested in the financial situation, add a comment on this post and someone will get you the right permissions.



tom's picture

I would like to know more details

I found out about the house yesterday thanks to a small short movie called Skipping waste that I found in internet.. I just created my account here and found this post, I am planning to visit the house in October and would like to know more details about how all this work :) As I said, I am new here but this is my profile in CS

dcarpano's picture

I don't see it, can I look?

I don't see it, can I look?

helicopter's picture


you have the right permissions... I just tried making a test account with the same ones you have and I could see it. Did you try refreshing?

(sent you an email about this too).

Lemjok's picture


I'm interested, basically because I'm worried that it isn't going well.

helicopter's picture



crculver's picture


I would like permission to see this post if anyone thinks it would be useful for proprietors of other nomad bases who are trying to manage the finances of it all.

helicopter's picture


I've replied to chris by email. I didn't give him trusted permission because I don't know who he is, but I explained the situation.